Saturday 16 August 2008


Gemma: Now Gemma is a real little prat.....
She looks so sweet and innocent... But she is a little madam when she is out and about the area.
And as for the boy cats coming around for her... Well I have never known a cat to have so many Toms after it. LOL
Not much I can say about her, we have had her since she was 8 weeks old.
And her birthday is on Christmas day.

1 comment:

Sindi said...

I use to have cat also.His name was peaches but we called him Mr Kitty most of the time because of south park. He acted like a dog moat of the time and the dang this never walked in the grass. If it were rianing out and he had to go out side, the dang thing wanted towel dried when he came back in.

He was a prissy cat but i loved him. He is gone now because a nieghbor poisoned him, i miss him.